Lindsay's Bites


I'm Lindsay, a driven plant-based marketing guru. And I'm here to help you build your brand!




Someone was showing me a marketing plan that they paid a good chunk of money for that was MISSING these three things!

I was sort of baffled because EVERYTHING should be guided by these three things otherwise you’re just recommending trending tactics that you are working for other people and not strategies that align with the core of your brand.

Let me explain:


This tells you how you are the best at SOMETHING compared to your competitors. You need to lean the f*ck into that and say it through EVERYTHING you do.


This makes everything YOU. If you’re funny and sarcastic that tells you the personalities you partner with and the content you create.


This dictates everything. EVERYTHING…from the products you create to the software you buy. If you’re about value and low price then that guides your marketing just as if your why was about being vegan.

If you don’t have these things you’re getting a generic plan based on tactics that are generally working for some brands and not what will work in alignment for you.