Lindsay's Bites


I'm Lindsay, a driven plant-based marketing guru. And I'm here to help you build your brand!




😳 “Hiring a coach was a huge waste of money!”

Unfortunately, I’ve heard that a lot, and I get it. Many coaches sell their time and expect entrepreneurs to come prepared for these meetings with questions and plans. It’s how my own coach uses much of time and it’s been extremely valuable and informative.

But so many clients that I work with don’t even know what questions to ask. They know they aren’t in love with their digital marketing, they know they don’t have the bandwidth to take it to the next level, and they know they need some specialized help.

So if you feel like you’re in need of SOMETHING when it comes to your business, brand, or career and you’re considering bringing on a coach, go through this checklist:

😁 Do you VIBE with this person? It’s important you don’t feel intimated, pressured, or even nervous. It’s best when you can be vulnerable with your coach and in my experience the BEST coaches are a mixture of a hype person and a coach. You should get the sense that they really believe in you and you’re not just another meeting in their calendar.

😁 You need to know not only what you will be getting out of the coaching but how it’s going to go. Are you ready to come to the meetings ready with a dozen questions or do you need a little more guidance?

😁 How available is your coach going to be? You might need someone to call during negotiations, a big sale, or just a low moment. Does your coach have office hours or is it going to be more personal?

😁 Look at testimonials critically. Raving reviews could be coming from people who had different needs than you.

😁 Really, REALLY think about what you need. You might need connections more than guidance, you might need moral support rather than templates and tools.

Interested in learning more about my own coaching packages and processes? Send us an email or visit our website.