Lindsay's Bites


I'm Lindsay, a driven plant-based marketing guru. And I'm here to help you build your brand!




This may be an unpopular opinion, but selling on social media doesn’t work.

🤔 The brands you see on social media announcing big sales, pushing promotions, or selling hard have built up that equity to do so. As a content consumer…it’s annoying, exhausting, and frustrating to be asked to listen and buy when nothing has been done to merit my attention.

😳 It’s like asking a stranger on the street to buy you dinner as opposed to your boyfriend asking to go somewhere nice to celebrate 6 months of dating.

This is often where sales and CEO’s clash with marketing. Marketing wants to put up fun and engaging content while leaders want you to sell…which makes sense but you have to lay the groundwork!

Look at the biggest brands in the world. They invest in experiences, inspiration, and value before they push for a sale and the % of sales content is low.

😉 Of course there are exceptions but not generally.

People want to know you and ESPECIALLY on social media. They want to connect so if they find you on the explore page, make it interesting enough that they want to get to know you further.