Lindsay's Bites


I'm Lindsay, a driven plant-based marketing guru. And I'm here to help you build your brand!




These rules have never let me down and even if you decide you’re a rule-breaker, you need to know the rules before you decide how to break them!

⚡️ RULE OF 7 ⚡️

The idea is here is that your audiences needs 7 or so interactions with you before being moved to purchase and I really like this rule because it takes the pressure off your efforts. Yes some people go viral with one post but most likely it should support your newsletter, your ads, your influencer partnerships, and everything else you’re doing.


Stop talking about the features of your product. Nobody cares that it’s high in protein, they care about having more energy and less empty calories so they can hit their fitness goals or whatever.

A lot of business owners are (rightfully) in love with their products and get this one messed up so ask someone totally outside of your audience to review your marketing and see if they’re interested. They should at least be interested in these amazing benefits you offer.


If you’re creating a new category or a new niche it’s helpful to reference a known category, person, or brand. ‘We’re the LULULEMON OF ICE CREAM!’…I mean that’s an example, it doesn’t have to make sense but the gist is that different is good but too different and people tune out because they can’t be bothered to take an entire class to learn about your brand.

⚡️ 80/20 ⚡️

You should be entertaining and education 80% of the time and doing a hard sell 20% of the time. Again there are exceptions, I’m pretty sure people are following Costco on Instagram just for the deals but highlighting your retailers, your suppliers, and talking about your product should be interesting otherwise it’s just a sales pitch and if you’re going to sell then SELL.

What rule am I missing?